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Browse through our STEM books. Delve into the mysteries of the universe, explore mind-blowing discoveries and unlock nature's secrets.Our books are perfect for little scientists!

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Beetle Books is an imprint of Hungry Tomato. 

Our Beetle Books are our brilliant big books; spanning a range of topics, they’re perfect for young readers to enjoy wherever they may be.

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My First Book of


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My First Book of

Ocean Life

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Stickmen's Guide to

Science & Technology

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Grisly Medicine

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Stickmen's Guide to

Your Body

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Stickmen's Guide to

the Earth Uncovered

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Stickmen's Guide to

How Things Work

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Incredible Inventions

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Stickmen's Guide to

the Earth Uncovered

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What Machines Do

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The Mighty Mechanics' Book of Marvellous Vehicles

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The Mighty Mechanics' 

Guide to Speed

Build it! Make it!



Build it! Make it!

Become a Super Engineer


Build it! Make it!


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Build it! Make it!

Mini Battle Machines


Our Hungry Tomato books are our smaller series’ of books, ideal for teachers and educators to use to inspire young readers while learning about a variety of topics.

Discovering Insects

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Record-breaking Top Tens


Dive into a world of jaw-dropping extremes with this awesome four-book series

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Ultimate Predators

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Meet the world's most dangerous animals

Earth's Detectives


Discover the science behind rocks

Nature's Habitats 

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An illustrated series showcasing earth's diverse habitats.


Explore the extraordinary world of plants & flowers


A stunning journey into the plant kingdom that will inspire a lifelong love for nature.


Explore the extraordinary world of trees


A stunning journey into the world of trees that will inspire a lifelong love for nature.

Shark Safari

A deep dive into the fascinating life of sharks

Stunning illustrations and fantastic facts bring the wonderful world of sharks to life in this exciting four book series. From their prehistoric past to their uncertain future, discover what makes sharks so special and learn why they need our protection.

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An illustrated series of 100 brilliant breeds

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A full-colour illustrated four book series showcasing 100 fascinating dogs, capturing the individual characters of each one. Fun bite-size facts about the skills, abilities and nature of these faithful pets, it’s awesome reading for kids and adults.


An illustrated series of 80 cool cats

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A full-colour illustrated four book series showcasing 80 fascinating cats, capturing the individual characters of each one. Fun bite-size facts about the skills, abilities and nature of these brilliant pets, it’s awesome reading for kids and adults.

If Dinosaurs Were Here Today

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Embark on a journey of imagination with this series that envisions dinosaurs living in our modern world. 

If Prehistoric Were Here Today

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Embark on a journey of imagination with this series that envisions prehistoric beasts living in our modern world. 

Travel Through The Seasons

A wonderful journey through each of the four seasons


A playful, engagingly fresh look at the seasons in a four book series. Explore nature amid beautifully illustrated scenes that children will love, and learn about how the seasons effect the natural world.

When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth

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Realistic art based on the latest scientific evidence of what dinosaurs looked like takes readers on a journey back in time.

Amazing Life Cycles

Explore the lives of living things!

An exciting six book series exploring the life cycles of the animals and plants around us! This series features a diverse selection of animals and plants that will capture the attention of all young readers.


A Hilarious Introduction to the Human Body


Stickmen's Guide to Stem

A Tour of the Core Subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths

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Stickmen's Guide to Your Body

A Fascinating Journey Around the Human Body

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Stickmen's Guide to The Earth

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Discover everything there is to know about Earth in this four book series, from the edge of space to the ocean depths.

Stickmen's Science Stars

A Journey Through Science for Young Scientists


The Grisly History of Medicine

The World's Greatest (and Grossest) Medical Disoveries

A fantastic four book series exploring the history of medicine, with its terrifying diseases, rancid remedies, and experimental treatments and surgeries that were often weird, disgusting, or downright dangerous! Discover amazing facts from how alligator blood could help fight infections, to how the past has helped us to battle modern viruses like Coronavirus.


Stickmen's Guide to How Things Work

Discover the workings of some of the world's most impressive machines

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Amusement Park Science

 The Thrills and Spills of the Most Fascinating Park Rides

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Discover the Top 40 Fastest Machines Ever Made


This four book series brings together the top 40 fastest machines ever invented, with statistics on maximum speeds, facts about engineering and anecdotes about the journey from factory to road, race track or air. 

Megafast Supercars

Megafast Superbikes

Megafast Monster Trucks

Megafast Planes

What Machines Do

Take a Closer Look at the World of Machines


Explore the world of machines in this four book series. Perfect for little engineers who like to see what machines do and how they work.

What Machines Do:  Daily Life

What Machines Do:

On The Move

What Machines Do:

At Work

What Machines Do:

Having Fun

The Young Astronaut's Guide to Space

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This series is a fun and accessible introduction into outer space for young readers.


Discover the Top 40 Fastest Machines Ever Made


This four book series brings together the top 40 fastest machines ever invented, with statistics on maximum speeds, facts about engineering and anecdotes about the journey from factory to road, race track or air. 

What Machines Do

Take a Closer Look at the World of Machines


Explore the world of machines in this four book series. Perfect for little engineers who like to see what machines do and how they work.

Maths Adventure

Bring Maths into the Real World

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Explore how maths exists in the real world in this four book series. Maths becomes interesting if you're an astronaut, firefighter, dinosaur scientist, or zookeeper!

Maths Adventure II

Bring Maths into the Real World

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Explore how maths exists in the real world in this four book series. Maths becomes interesting if you're a pilot, stunt performer, racing car driver, or zoo vet!

Amazing Science Experiments

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Discover hands-on science experiments using everyday household items in this four book series.

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This fun four book series unlocks the world of flight, presenting physics in an accessible format.

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The Mighty Mechanics' Guide to Speed

This series showcases some of the speediest machines, from racing cars to rollercoasters.

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The Mighty Mechanics' Books of Marvellous Vehicles

Delve into a world of amazing vehicles across this four book series, from mighty trucks to emergency vehicles.

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Inside Battle Machines

This four book series showcases the engineering and technology of some of the most powerful battle machines.

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Incredible Inventions

This four book series delves into some of the most important light-bulb moments in history.



A brilliant four book series exploring the incredible story of life on Earth.

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An exciting deep-dive into the world of sharks, from the strangest sharks of the deep to the most endangered.

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Record-Breaking Bugs

Explore the fascinating world of bugs, from mighty ant armies to brilliant bees.

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Extreme Reptiles

This series brings together the top ten deadliest, sneakiest, biggest, and weirdest reptiles in the world.

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One Planet

A series of six brilliant books that unravel the mysteries of Earth and its incredible natural wonders.

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Earth in Danger

Join the adventure in this series as we explore the challenges our planet faces and learn ways to protect it.

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Animals in Danger

Discover six endangered species, what makes them so special and why they need our protection.

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Real-Life Monsters

Meet 40 of the most bizarre and terrifying animals on our planet in this four book series.

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My Favourite Dinosaurs

Discover dinosaurs of all shapes and sizes in this brilliant four book series.

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It's a Mathematical World

Discover how maths underlies everything around us on Earth and way out in space in this engaging series.

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Smart Animals

A brilliant four book series introducing some of the smartest animals in the world.

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When Disaster Strikes

This series explores some of the most devastating disasters that our planet is subjected to.

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